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IExternalReferenceResolver Interface

This service interface defines methods to resolve external references of an AutomationML document. If references are resolved, queries will be able to find referenced objects. Be aware, that the resolved documents will not be merged and the references, containing an alias will not be changed.

Namespace: Aml.Engine.Services.Interfaces
Assembly: Aml.Engine (in Aml.Engine.dll) Version: 3.2
public interface IExternalReferenceResolver : IAMLService

The IExternalReferenceResolver type exposes the following members.

Public methodClearRedirection Clears all registered redirection paths.
Public methodClearRedirection(String) Clears the redirection path for the provided address.
Public methodIsExternal Determines, if the element is contained in a resolved external document.
Public methodLoadOrGetReferencedDocument(ExternalReferenceType) Loads a CAEXDocument, referenced by the external reference. The new CAEXDocument is a separate document and no libraries are merged to the current document. This Method doesn't change any references, which use the alias of this external reference. Use the IMerge service to achieve this.
Public methodLoadOrGetReferencedDocument(CAEXDocument, String) Determines, if the provided path contains an alias and gets the resolved document for that alias if it is already resolved. If the reference has not been resolved it is resolved.
Public methodRegisterExternalDocument Registers a CAEXDocument, referenced by the specified externalReference as an external document.
Public methodResolvedDocuments Gets all already resolved externals for the provided CAEXDocument containing ExternalReference objects
Public methodResolveExternalDocument Resolves a CAEXDocument, referenced by the specified url.
Public methodSetRedirection Sets a redirection path for the provided address.
See Also